The devastating effects of Typhoon Yagi have left a trail of destruction in its wake. Thousands of homes, buildings, and infrastructures have been damaged, and countless possessions, livestock, and crops have been swept away by the storm and floods.
To this day, many provinces in northern Vietnam remain submerged in water. In the face of such hardship, the power of human compassion shines brightest.
With a deep sense of social responsibility, DECOFI has ly responded to the Prime Minister's call for support, contributing what we can to help those affected by the natural disaster.
Our donations, heartfelt contributions from DECOFI, will be directly delivered to the Vietnam Fatherland Front. While we know these contributions cannot fully compensate for the immense losses, we hope they bring some warmth and comfort, helping the people of northern Vietnam rebuild their lives as soon as possible.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all DECOFI employees for their unity and support in making these meaningful contributions. Together, let us spread love and compassion, ensuring that the spirit of humanity reaches every corner of our country.
Northern Vietnam, stay strong, we will get through this together!